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Thursday 6 April 2017

Various interpretations in One Night @ the Call Center

Various interpretations in One Night @ the Call Center

 Name: Pintu Solanki
Roll no.:29
Paper no.: 13 “The New Literature”
M. A. Semester: 4
Submitted to: Department of English
Smt. S. B. Gardi
Maharaja Krishnakumar sinhji
Bhavnagar University

  v Various interpretations in One Night @ the Call Center

  Ø  Introduction of Author

          Chetan Baghat, a growing star in the modern Indian literature, is a multitalented personality. He is a novelist, newspaper columnist, public speaker and a screenplay writer. His notable works include Five Point Someone, The 3 Mistakes of My Life and 2 States.Most of his literary works address the issues related to Indian youth and their aspirations which earned Baghat status of the youth icon.

  ü  well-known collections of his works are.

·         Five Point Someone (2004)
·         One Night @ the Call Center (2005)
·         The 3 Mistakes of My Life (2008), 
·         2 States (2009), 
·         Revolution 2020 (2011), 
·         What Young India Wants (2012)
·         Half Girlfriend (2014)

  v Introduction:

  Ø One Night @ the Call center

            One Night @ the Call Center is one of the novel written by Chetan Bhagat. The novel published in 2005. In this novel Bhagat talks about the call center where there are six character are working, Gurgaon, Haryana in the novel. 

                The characters of the novel are : Shyam, Varun, Esha, Priyanka, Radhika and Military Uncle. They are working in call center which is “Connexion call center”. All the character faces the problems in their family. One night they get call from God and God said them to listen your inner voice of your heart. All the characters inspired by the call of God.
 The story takes a theatrical and decisive turn through a literal Deux ex Machina, when the character receives a phone call from God.

  v Different  interpretations in One Night @ the Call Center

  Ø Nationalism:
     In the novel One Night @ the Call Center writer introduces a young India and their problems like six characters, shyam, Radhika, Esha, Priyanka, Vroom, and Military uncle of the novel they facing problems because they working in the call center. Once they get call from God to resolve problem and the novel also about to call to alarm to India to the young people within it.

“Nationalism involves national identity, by contrast with the related construct of patriotism, which involves the social conditioning and personal behaviors that support a state’s decisions and actions”

                 Having had to suffer the country being screwed up by politicians for so years, the possible of the nation and its people is finally being allowed to thrive. In call center most of the people work in a night shift and get many calls from the America and solve their problems.
                In the novel characters working in the call center and their bay’s name is “Western Appliances Strategic Group” or WASG. They deal with the clients of home appliances such as refrigerator, oven and vacuum cleaners. These planned clients call a lot and are too difficult to figure out things. So they thinks that they dealing with on the lines from America and even bigger up the management pecking order.

When Vroom talks to God, Vroom says,

“I should not have taken up a job just for money. Call center pays more, but only because the exchange rate is in the favor Americans. They toss their loose change at us. It seems like a lot of rupees but jobs that pay less could be better there could be jobs that define me, make me learn or help my country”

  v The effect of Globalization

Ø What is Globalization?

“Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology” (Globalization)

   The impact of Globalization In this novel likewise clarify the battle of each of the character's life. As globalization was monetary development. In it we discover man corporate. Friedam's the world is Flat' is non anecdotal book. The title of the novel itself tells about the impact of globalization in call focus. Novel depends on the working individuals in Call Center. Bhagat needs to offer message to the Indians that who working in call focus they simply get great compensation yet it not give it a chance to accomplish something else or for their aptitudes and innovativeness.

     Chetan Bhagat is such a growing author who thinks of it as his obligation to bid the youthful era in India by composing a novel in light of the call focus, which is an endowment of globalization. Despite the fact that call focus is considered as an aid for India which is confronting the issue of unemployment, Chetan Bhagat through this novel is attempting to give a message that the Indians, rather than depending on the western nations, ought to investigate claim inventiveness and possibilities. The present paper highlights the impact of call focus, which is an offspring of globalization, on the individual, social, good, scholarly and social relations of the call focus representatives. 

       Globalization is that Indian youth are getting good job opportunities in western countries. It is a thing of pride that the companies like Microsoft cannot think about their business without taking into consideration the Indian software engineers.

  v Mannepean satire

   The class of Menippean parody is a type of parody, as a rule in writing, which has a length and structure like a novel and is described by assaulting mental states of mind as opposed to particular people or substances. Menippean parody gets from the savant Menippus (third century B.C.), however it was distinguished as a particular type by the Roman humorist Varro, a more established contemporary of Horace whose works exist just in fragmentary frame.

   Menippean parody is a type of parody, normally in writing, which has a length and structure like a novel. Mannepean Satire is a seriocomic kind. In the novel we find that these characters experience the ill effects of the issues throughout their life. In this novel Bhagat speak to the possibility of bossism that the supervisor of call focus who has a control over these six characters. Also, God making a call, Marriage of two unique characters Radhika and Priyanka.

Ø Self help Book

                          “A self-help book is one that is written with the intention to instruct its readers on solving personal problems. The books take their name from Self-Help, an 1859 best-seller by Samuel Smiles, but are also known and classified under "self-improvement", a term that is a modernized version of self-help. Self-help books moved from a niche position to being a postmodern cultural phenomenon in the late twentieth century.”

     The class of Menippean parody is a type of parody, as a rule in writing, which has a length and structure like a novel and is described by assaulting mental states of mind as opposed to particular people or substances. Menippean parody gets from the savant Menippus (third century B.C.), however it was distinguished as a particular type by the Roman humorist Varro, a more established contemporary of Horace whose works exist just in fragmentary frame.

    In the book each of the six character, who work in one call focus, and furthermore every character endure in their own life. The subjects include the tensions and instabilities of the rising Indian white collar class including question about profession insufficiency, marriage, family, strife in evolving India, and the relationship of the youthful Indian working class to both administrators and conventional customers whom they serve in the unified states.

Ø  Cyberpunk

     Cyberpunk is a postmodern science fiction genre. Cyber Punk connected with science and technology. It features higher science, such as information technology and cybernetics, coupled with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order. Cyberpunk plots often center on a conflict among hackers, artificial intelligences, and Mega Corporation, The characters deals with cyber technology. Vroom hacks Bakshi's email and writes email to Esah on his behalf. The American's are threatened with the assistance of bug in MS Office as infection assault on Internet . In the realm of innovation saints are explorer like Shyam. Machine is controlling individuals. Bakshi controlling saints and other high educate and law life. Character managing withBug, FM radio, Email, Internet (PC). So we can state it order as Cyber punk novel.

  Ø Popular Literature

      Chetan Bhagat is mainstream compose of the age in his work he utilize basic dialect that is straightforward for the peruser. His books bid to the peruser broadly acknowledged by the adolescents. This novel there is some of circumstance and like heavenly things that not occurred as a general rule or genuine living.In One Night @ Call center in,

·        GOD’s Call
·        More familiar or accepted moral teaching.
·        Highly reflective of philosophy of life.
·        Narrative technique.
·        Mystic element and supernatural elements, like the end of the novel.

Ø Conclusion

            In short, this novel deals with the theme of  Deus ex Machina, Human Relations, Strategic, Love, Sex and Marriage. The aim of  Bhagat’s is to convey a message to the people of India from the situation of the characters like the harshness of the situation of women in India.

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