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Thursday 6 April 2017

Things Fall Apart

Things Fall Apart 

Name: Pintu Solanki
Roll no.:29
Paper no.: 13 “African Literature”
M. A. Semester: 4
Submitted to: Department of English
Smt. S. B. Gardi
Maharaja Krishnakumar sinhji
Bhavnagar University

  v Things Fall Apart 
                       :-   Chinua Achebe 


        Albert  Chinualumogu  Achebe born on 16, November 1930, and died on 21, March 2013. He was a Nigerian writer, Poet, Professor and pundit. His first novel 'Thing Fall Apart' was viewed as his perfect work of art, and is the most generally perused book in present day African Literature. He increased overall consideration for Thing Fall Apart in that late 1950s. Achebe turn into a supporter of Biafram freedom and went about as envoy for the general population of the new country.

  Ø Introduction of novel

                          Achebe’s novels focus on the traditions of Igbo society the effect of Christian influences, and traditional African values during and after the colonial era. He also published a number of short stories, children’s book, and essay collection. He awarded man booker prize, peace prize of the German. Book trade , St. Louis literary Award. Chinua Achebe most contribution on African literature. 

            Chinua Achebe, through his novel Things Fall Apart, presents a tribe of Igbo individuals and their lifestyle amid the start of colonization in Africa. Through the portrayal of the Igbo people groups' lifestyle and their response to the colonizing strengths that enter their towns, Achebe presents subjects of way of life as a gathering of African individuals with a past and legacy to be respected. This reoccurring subject of personality in the feeling of an African people can be followed back to Achebe's experience as a local of the Igbo individuals in Africa.

  Ø Things Fall Apart Themes

  Ø Igbo Society Complexity

         From Achebe's own statements, we know that one of his themes is the complexity of Igbo society before the arrival of the Europeans. To support this theme, he includes detailed descriptions of the justice codes and the trial process, the social and family rituals, the marriage customs, food production and preparation processes, the process of shared leadership for the community, religious beliefs and practices, and the opportunities for virtually every man to climb the clan's ladder of success through his own efforts.

  Ø Language :-

               Language is a vital part of Umuofia society. Strong orators like Ogbuefi Ezeugo are celebrated and given honorable burials.

                       Because clan meetings are so important for organization and decisionmaking, these speakers play an important role for society. Storytelling is also a form of education for the clan—whether they're masculine war stories or feminine fables, storytelling defines different roles for clan members and moves them to action. Even western religion takes hold because of story and song: when Nwoye first hears a hymn, it marks the beginning of his transition from clan member to Christian.

  Ø Clash of Cultures

    Against Achebe's subject of Igbo social multifaceted nature is his topic of the conflict of societies. This crash of societies happens at the individual and societal levels, and the social misconception cuts both courses: Just as the uncompromising Reverend Smith sees Africans as "rapscallions," the Igbo at first scrutinize the Christians and the preachers as "absurd." For Achebe, the Africans' misperceptions of themselves and of Europeans need realignment as much as do the misperceptions of Africans by the West. Composing as an African who had been "Europeanized," Achebe composed Things Fall Apart as "a demonstration of reparation with [his] past, the custom return and praise of an intemperate child." By his own demonstration, he supports different Africans, particularly ones with Western instructions, to understand that they may misperceive their local culture.

  Ø Destiny

  Related to the theme of cultural clash is the issue of how much the flexibility or the rigidity of the characters (and by implication, of the British and Igbo) contribute to their destiny. Because of Okonkwo's inflexible nature, he seems destined for self-destruction, even before the arrival of the European colonizers. The arrival of a new culture only hastens Okonkwo's tragic fate.

    Two different characters stand out from Okonkwo in such manner: Mr. Dark colored, the main evangelist, and Obierika, Okonkwo's great companion. While Okonkwo is a relentless man of activity, the other two are more open and versatile men of thought. Mr. Darker wins changes over by first regarding the customs and convictions of the Igbo and in this way permitting some convenience in the transformation procedure. Like Brown, Obierika is likewise a sensible and intuition individual. He doesn't advocate the utilization of compel to counter the colonizers and the restriction. Or maybe, he has a receptive outlook about changing qualities and outside culture: "Who recognizes what may happen tomorrow?" he remarks about the landing of nonnatives. Obierika's open and versatile nature might be more illustrative of the soul of Umuofia than Okonkwo's unquestioning inflexibility.

  Ø  Social disintegration :-

                           Towards the end of the novel, we observer the events by which Igbo society begins to fall apart. Religion is threatened, Umuofia loses its self determination, and the very centres of tribal life are threatened. These events are all the more painful for the reader because so much time has been spent in sympathetic description of Igbo life; the reader realizes that he has been learning about a way of life that no longer exists.

                            Greatness and goal Okonkwo is determined to be a lord of his clan. He rises from modest beginnings to a position of leadership, and he is a wealthy man. He is driven and determined, but his greatness comes from the same traits that are the source of his weaknesses. He is often too harsh with his family, and he is haunted by a fear of failure.

  Ø Masculinity :-

                   Masculinity is one of Okonkwo's obsessions, and he defines masculinity quite narrowly. For him, any kind of softness is a sign of weak spot and effeminacy. Male power lies in power and beast force. But throughout the novel, we are shown men with more sophisticated understanding of masculinity. Okonkwo's harshness drives Nwoye away from the family and into the arms of the new religion.

  Ø Justice 

   Equity is another capable distraction of the novel. For the Igbo, equity and reasonableness are matters of awesome significance. They have complex social foundations that control equity in reasonable and sane ways.

   In any case, the happening to the British miracles that adjust. In spite of the fact that the British case that nearby laws are primitive, and utilize this case as a reason to force their own particular laws, we soon observe that British law is fraudulent and insensitive. The last occasions paving the way to Okonkwo's passing concern the unsuccessful labor of Justice under the British District Commissioner.

Various interpretations in One Night @ the Call Center

Various interpretations in One Night @ the Call Center

 Name: Pintu Solanki
Roll no.:29
Paper no.: 13 “The New Literature”
M. A. Semester: 4
Submitted to: Department of English
Smt. S. B. Gardi
Maharaja Krishnakumar sinhji
Bhavnagar University

  v Various interpretations in One Night @ the Call Center

  Ø  Introduction of Author

          Chetan Baghat, a growing star in the modern Indian literature, is a multitalented personality. He is a novelist, newspaper columnist, public speaker and a screenplay writer. His notable works include Five Point Someone, The 3 Mistakes of My Life and 2 States.Most of his literary works address the issues related to Indian youth and their aspirations which earned Baghat status of the youth icon.

  ü  well-known collections of his works are.

·         Five Point Someone (2004)
·         One Night @ the Call Center (2005)
·         The 3 Mistakes of My Life (2008), 
·         2 States (2009), 
·         Revolution 2020 (2011), 
·         What Young India Wants (2012)
·         Half Girlfriend (2014)

  v Introduction:

  Ø One Night @ the Call center

            One Night @ the Call Center is one of the novel written by Chetan Bhagat. The novel published in 2005. In this novel Bhagat talks about the call center where there are six character are working, Gurgaon, Haryana in the novel. 

                The characters of the novel are : Shyam, Varun, Esha, Priyanka, Radhika and Military Uncle. They are working in call center which is “Connexion call center”. All the character faces the problems in their family. One night they get call from God and God said them to listen your inner voice of your heart. All the characters inspired by the call of God.
 The story takes a theatrical and decisive turn through a literal Deux ex Machina, when the character receives a phone call from God.

  v Different  interpretations in One Night @ the Call Center

  Ø Nationalism:
     In the novel One Night @ the Call Center writer introduces a young India and their problems like six characters, shyam, Radhika, Esha, Priyanka, Vroom, and Military uncle of the novel they facing problems because they working in the call center. Once they get call from God to resolve problem and the novel also about to call to alarm to India to the young people within it.

“Nationalism involves national identity, by contrast with the related construct of patriotism, which involves the social conditioning and personal behaviors that support a state’s decisions and actions”

                 Having had to suffer the country being screwed up by politicians for so years, the possible of the nation and its people is finally being allowed to thrive. In call center most of the people work in a night shift and get many calls from the America and solve their problems.
                In the novel characters working in the call center and their bay’s name is “Western Appliances Strategic Group” or WASG. They deal with the clients of home appliances such as refrigerator, oven and vacuum cleaners. These planned clients call a lot and are too difficult to figure out things. So they thinks that they dealing with on the lines from America and even bigger up the management pecking order.

When Vroom talks to God, Vroom says,

“I should not have taken up a job just for money. Call center pays more, but only because the exchange rate is in the favor Americans. They toss their loose change at us. It seems like a lot of rupees but jobs that pay less could be better there could be jobs that define me, make me learn or help my country”

  v The effect of Globalization

Ø What is Globalization?

“Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology” (Globalization)

   The impact of Globalization In this novel likewise clarify the battle of each of the character's life. As globalization was monetary development. In it we discover man corporate. Friedam's the world is Flat' is non anecdotal book. The title of the novel itself tells about the impact of globalization in call focus. Novel depends on the working individuals in Call Center. Bhagat needs to offer message to the Indians that who working in call focus they simply get great compensation yet it not give it a chance to accomplish something else or for their aptitudes and innovativeness.

     Chetan Bhagat is such a growing author who thinks of it as his obligation to bid the youthful era in India by composing a novel in light of the call focus, which is an endowment of globalization. Despite the fact that call focus is considered as an aid for India which is confronting the issue of unemployment, Chetan Bhagat through this novel is attempting to give a message that the Indians, rather than depending on the western nations, ought to investigate claim inventiveness and possibilities. The present paper highlights the impact of call focus, which is an offspring of globalization, on the individual, social, good, scholarly and social relations of the call focus representatives. 

       Globalization is that Indian youth are getting good job opportunities in western countries. It is a thing of pride that the companies like Microsoft cannot think about their business without taking into consideration the Indian software engineers.

  v Mannepean satire

   The class of Menippean parody is a type of parody, as a rule in writing, which has a length and structure like a novel and is described by assaulting mental states of mind as opposed to particular people or substances. Menippean parody gets from the savant Menippus (third century B.C.), however it was distinguished as a particular type by the Roman humorist Varro, a more established contemporary of Horace whose works exist just in fragmentary frame.

   Menippean parody is a type of parody, normally in writing, which has a length and structure like a novel. Mannepean Satire is a seriocomic kind. In the novel we find that these characters experience the ill effects of the issues throughout their life. In this novel Bhagat speak to the possibility of bossism that the supervisor of call focus who has a control over these six characters. Also, God making a call, Marriage of two unique characters Radhika and Priyanka.

Ø Self help Book

                          “A self-help book is one that is written with the intention to instruct its readers on solving personal problems. The books take their name from Self-Help, an 1859 best-seller by Samuel Smiles, but are also known and classified under "self-improvement", a term that is a modernized version of self-help. Self-help books moved from a niche position to being a postmodern cultural phenomenon in the late twentieth century.”

     The class of Menippean parody is a type of parody, as a rule in writing, which has a length and structure like a novel and is described by assaulting mental states of mind as opposed to particular people or substances. Menippean parody gets from the savant Menippus (third century B.C.), however it was distinguished as a particular type by the Roman humorist Varro, a more established contemporary of Horace whose works exist just in fragmentary frame.

    In the book each of the six character, who work in one call focus, and furthermore every character endure in their own life. The subjects include the tensions and instabilities of the rising Indian white collar class including question about profession insufficiency, marriage, family, strife in evolving India, and the relationship of the youthful Indian working class to both administrators and conventional customers whom they serve in the unified states.

Ø  Cyberpunk

     Cyberpunk is a postmodern science fiction genre. Cyber Punk connected with science and technology. It features higher science, such as information technology and cybernetics, coupled with a degree of breakdown or radical change in the social order. Cyberpunk plots often center on a conflict among hackers, artificial intelligences, and Mega Corporation, The characters deals with cyber technology. Vroom hacks Bakshi's email and writes email to Esah on his behalf. The American's are threatened with the assistance of bug in MS Office as infection assault on Internet . In the realm of innovation saints are explorer like Shyam. Machine is controlling individuals. Bakshi controlling saints and other high educate and law life. Character managing withBug, FM radio, Email, Internet (PC). So we can state it order as Cyber punk novel.

  Ø Popular Literature

      Chetan Bhagat is mainstream compose of the age in his work he utilize basic dialect that is straightforward for the peruser. His books bid to the peruser broadly acknowledged by the adolescents. This novel there is some of circumstance and like heavenly things that not occurred as a general rule or genuine living.In One Night @ Call center in,

·        GOD’s Call
·        More familiar or accepted moral teaching.
·        Highly reflective of philosophy of life.
·        Narrative technique.
·        Mystic element and supernatural elements, like the end of the novel.

Ø Conclusion

            In short, this novel deals with the theme of  Deus ex Machina, Human Relations, Strategic, Love, Sex and Marriage. The aim of  Bhagat’s is to convey a message to the people of India from the situation of the characters like the harshness of the situation of women in India.

What is a Cinema

            What is a Cinema?

Name: Pintu Solanki

Roll no.:29

Paper no.: 13 “Mass communication And Media Studies”

M. A. Semester: 4

Submitted to: Department of English
Smt. S. B. Gardi
Maharaja Krishnakumar sinhji
Bhavnagar University

    v Cinema

Ø  What is a Cinema?

·        “A cinema is a theatre where films are shown to the public. A building consisting of several cinema halls is called a multiplex.”

·        Cinema is a reflection of society, both present and past.
·        Cinema is a form of communication.
·        Cinema powerful vehicle for culture, education, leisure and propaganda

      Silver screen is a decent medium for diversion. Film is most likely one of the miracles of the present age. Silver screen is a film i.e.… a story and so forth recorded as set of moving pictures to be appeared on screen of a theatre house and TV. It is a channel of expression and correspondence. The film as a standout amongst the most vital developments of current science.

          Cinema has been one of the greatest influences in our modern life, and it’s also a form of art, the seventh art along with photography, architecture, literature, play, painting and music. It’s the combination of technology, business, entertainment and aesthetics ,each and everything of these four has important role in present day world and it’s also visible in the variation of its forms, Film is technology, movie is the business and entertainment, and cinema is the aesthetics. (Istiak)

  v Short History of Cinema

    Back in the late 1800s, entertainment on a Friday night was noticeably lower tech than today. But that wasn't so much an obstacle as it was an opportunity, which saw the birth of the cinematic art form.
Over the 120 years or so since those first attempts at creating moving pictures using consecutive still images, films have come a long way, both in terms of storytelling and in terms of technical achievement.

  v Short History of Indian Cinema

  A standout amongst the most thriving film enterprises discovered today is in India. Be that as it may, the pioneers of the business were really nonnatives. In 1896, the Lumiere siblings exhibited the craft of silver screen when they screened Cinematography comprising of six short movies to an excited gathering of people in Bombay. The achievement of these movies prompted the screening of movies by James B. Stewart and Ted Hughes.

    In 1897, Save Dada made two short films, but the fathers of Indian cinema were Dada Saheb Phalke who in 1913 made the first feature length silent film and Ardeshir Irani who in 1931 made India's first talking film.

   With the demise of the silent era and the advent of the talkies, the main source for inspiration for films came from mythological texts. Films were produced in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Bengali. Mythology flourished more in South India where its social conservative morals equated film acting to prostitution. But by the 1930’s, word had spread around the world about the vibrant film industry in India and foreigners with stars in their eyes landed upon Bombay shores.

  •     Types of Cinema

   v Commercial Cinema

     It mostly goes for giving inspiration to the people. it incorporates the elements of common cinemastar high spending plan, wealth of music, tune and move. It generally falls back on phantasy to give enjoyment to individuals. For instance, movies like Vaqt, Sholay, Muqhddar Ka Sikandar are few case of such movies.

   v Art Cinema

   The Art Cinema is more realistic and relevant in the needs of people and society. This form is not very popular. It is also called ‘parallel cinema’ ‘alternative cinema’ or ‘New main stream of commercial cinema’. Their dominant feature were their social concern, purposefulness, realism, narrative style, exclusion of unrelated songs, dances and fights and other familiar devices of commercial package.

  v Feature Films

    Feature film means fictionalised film exceeding, 200 metres in length in 36mn or matching length in other gauge or on video. Feature film means full length cinematography film produced completely or partly in India with a format and a story woven around a number of characters where the plot is animation or cartoon portrayal and does not include an advertisement film. Feature films are about a story enacted by a people cast and to convey a moral but firstly to entertain to audience. They continue to be most popular form of entertainment. Feature films could be commercial or art films. These are produced for mass information and entertainment. These films create cultural waves and to certain modify behaviour. These films have the elements like comedy, drama, suspense, science, fiction, detective or horror.

  v Documentary Films

    Documentary dramatizes an idea or theme uses the truthful material in order to dramatize its idea, it tells its simple story in terms of beings and human interests. Occasionally can be exhibited in school, village and labour are as through mobile vans so that a number of children can take advantages of these this film. As expressed by Goswami “Making film for children is a hard task than making films for adults. The producer has to take great care at every step. Only the best should be shown to children. Their whole can be adversely affected if they see the wrong films in the formative state of their mental development.”

  v Regional Cinema

   v Hindi cinema

    The 1970s saw the coming of Masala motion pictures in Bollywood. The groups of onlookers were enraptured and hypnotized by the atmosphere of performing artists like Rajesh Khanna, Dharmendra, Sanjeev Kumar, Hema Malini, and numerous others. The most noticeable and effective chief, Manmohan Desai was considered by a few people as the father of Masala films. According to Manmohan Desai,“I want people to forget their misery. I want to take them into a dream world where there is no poverty, where there are no beggars, where fate is kind and god is busy looking after its flock.”

  Sholay, the groundbreaking film directed by Ramesh Sippy, not only got international accolades but also made Amitabh Bachchan a ‘Superstar’. Several women directors like Meera Nair, Aparna Sen and others showcased their talents in the 1980s. How can we forget the extraordinary and splendid performance of Rekha in the film Umrao Jaan in 1981.

  Worldwide perceivability went to the business with Raj Kapoor's Awara. Hindi silver screen developed amid the 1990s with the arrival of upwards of 215 movies. With Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge, Hindi silver screen enlisted its business nearness in the Western world.

   v Gujarati cinema

  The film business of Gujarat began its trip in 1932. From that point forward Gujarati movies massively added to Indian silver screen. Gujarati silver screen has picked up notoriety among the territorial film industry in India. Gujarati film is constantly in light of scripts from mythology to history and social to political. Since its origin Gujarati cinema has experimented with stories and issues from the Indian Society. The first Gujarati movie, Narasinh Mehta, was released in the year 1932 and was directed by Nanubhai Vakil.

   v Bhojpuri cinema

  Bhojpuri cinema was struggling for its survival and was in a dying state. But the joint endeavor of the artists, directors and producers of Bhojpuri cinema revived the industry by making it profitable again. Bhojpuri silver screen appeared in the year 1961 with arrival of first Bhojpuri film, Ganga Maiyya Tohe Piyari Chadhaibo This film was created by Biswanath Prasad Shahabadi.

  The industry was revived and took off  again in 2001 with the “Silver Jubilee” hit “Saiyyan Hamar”, catapulting the hero of the film, Ravi Kissan, to superstardom.

  v Bengali cinema

  The Bengali language cinematic tradition has had reputable filmmakers such as Satyajit Ray, Ritwik Ghatak and Mrinal Sen among its most acclaimed. Recent Bengali films that have captured national attention include Rituparno Ghosh's Choker Bali, starring Aishwarya Rai. Bengali filmmaking also includes Bangla science fiction films and films that focus on social issues. In 1993, the Bengali industry's net output was 57 films.

  The history of cinema in Bengal dates back to the 1890, when the first “bioscopes” were shown in theatres in Kolkata. The ‘parallel cinema movement began in the Bengali film industry in the 1950.

   v Impact of cinema
   Presently a day motion pictures greatly affect youth as well as on youngsters. Affect fundamentally relies on upon us, any film will have terrible and great and it is ourselves ought to ready to recognize them. People observing excessively of motion pictures .People get particularly pulled in to the parts that include intriguing characters. They attempt to mirror such parts.

    Cinema has become the most influential art form of 20th century from its marginal beginnings. India holds eminent position in film making in the world. It produces highest number of films every year. Whatever may be the quality of the film, they continue to be the popular mass media. Earlier, cinema was a simple means of mechanical recording, preserving and reproducing moving visual images. With the development of film technology, the art of cinema developed a language of its own. Kumar says, that cinema is called “the seventh art”, and its language has developed over the past 7080 years to a specialized and sophisticated level, opinion differ, however on whether cinema is a ‘pure’ art form or a ‘bastard’ art.

  v Positive Impact

   The constructive effect is any sort of good conduct of a character can influence the brain of a man and he/she can attempt to teach it in his/her life. Here and there even dismal motion pictures help us to be grateful for what we have. It may make us feel fortunate and leave a positive impact on our lives. If there is any kind of educational value or a great person’s life in the movie, people might try to do the same for a happy ending in their lives just like the movie.

  v Negative Impact

   The negative impact is People try to copy stunts which the heroes of the movies do; Thinking that they are brave which lead s them to injure themselves. It can range from a minor bruise to a major fracture. Movies play an essential role in teaching a person; Especially a child to accept ideas like a criminal attempted to murder, a victim attempted suicide, to hit a person in a cruel way or to do things using violent ways.

  A few kids are captivated by fiction films which can influence their psyche and they are not ready to separate between genuine and fiction life. Some blood and guts films can fear individuals and youngsters a considerable measure that they get frightened of everything and never attempt to face it. Film impacts wellbeing. Long motion pictures can influence a man's eyes. Viewing a film can make him extremely anxious.

 v Conclusion

   Film is a decent medium for excitement. Film is doubtlessly one of the marvels of the present age. There is not really a man who is not enamored with the FILM. In the twentieth century, Indian silver screen, alongside the Hollywood and Chinese film ventures, turned into a worldwide undertaking. Indian cinema has become a part and parcel of our daily life whether it is a regional or a Bollywood movie. It has a major role to play in our society. Though entertainment is the key word of Indian cinema it has far more responsibility as it impacts the mind of the audiences.